The Amiable Explotier

The Amiable Exploiter, 2018

Acrylic paint, gold leaf, and silver leaf on plexiglass, LED screen, video loop

3 minutes, 16 seconds

72 x 48 x 5 in (183 x 122 x 13 cm)


I protagonisti dell’opera sono: Cristoforo Colombo, Thomas Jefferson.

The Amiable Exploiter (2018), racconta il ritorno in patria dell’esploratore italiano Cristoforo Colombo. La sua flotta navale attraversa trionfante l'atmosfera infernale di un paesaggio immaginario dai tratti arcaici e occidentali, circondato da uno sfarzo surreale tra Las Vegas e l’antica Roma.

Main Characters in the Artwork include: Explorer Christopher Columbus, Founding Father Thomas Jefferson.

Description: The Amiable Exploiter, 2018 tells the story of the return of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. His naval fleet triumphantly crosses the infernal atmosphere of an imaginary landscape with Western features. The landscape recalls a surreal splendor between Las Vegas and ancient Rome.

Contact / inquiry: [email protected]